OFFSET EXTENDED MAGAZINE RELEASE allows the operator to rest their middle finger flush across the lower half of where the Sig Sauer® P320 (M17/M18)® magazine release’s triangular bottom edge would be, eliminating side-finger chafing when choking up high on the pistol grip for increased recoil control. Ergonomically designed with an enhanced and extended engagement surface closer to the thumb, for minimizing/eliminating pistol shifting in-hand when reaching to eject magazines.

THUMB REST TAKEDOWN LEVER integrates an ergonomic ledge for the support hand's thumb to firmly lock down against, serving as a brake against muzzle flip to provide the fastest follow-up sight picture. Increased surface contact with the pistol reduces support hand slippage while providing an index point for a consistent high thumbs-forward grip. Swaps in seconds to offer maximum control and speed in Sig Sauer® P320® (M17/M18)® pistols for a competitive edge.