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usps issue procedure

You are most likely viewing this page because there is an issue regarding USPS shipping. We are very sorry about this. By directing you to this page we are not trying to "pass the buck" or avoid contact with you in anyway. Unfortunately this is the most common issue we deal with on a weekly basis and this is the quickest and easiest way to explain the steps to help correct the reason you are here. 

THE FIRTS STEP is contacting your local USPS facility regardless of the situation and explain to them what is going on. Provide them with the tracking number you received from us when the label was created. You need to call them as they will have questions only you can answer. All packages shipped are tracked by USPS via GPS. They can tell you exactly where the package is or where it got delivered to. They are the only ones that can provide this as they are the shipping company. 

If your package is stuck, delayed or in limbo often times for whatever reason contacting USPS regardless of what they tell you for some reason gets the package moving through the USPS network again. Dispite all the issues regarting tracking and notifications you recieve the success rate of the packages reaching their final destination is over 99%. There are some here and there that do get lost but regardless of the situation it is our experience that they do eventually reach their destination. Please remember this before getting all hot and contacting us only to feel like a fool later once the package shows up. THIS also happens all the time. Patience is a virtue.

Sometimes tracking indicates a package has been delivered only to find out that it hasn't. In just about every instance the package is actually delivered the next day or two later. Again we are not sure why this happens but unfortunately it does. It is very important to contact your local USPS immediately if this is the case. DO NOT WAIT to see if it shows up. If a package is delivered to the wrong location chances of recovery is decreased the longer you wait to contact your local USPS.

If your local USPS facility confirms your package is lost
THE SECOND STEP is to file a claim on the USPS website HERE. Sometimes they tell you to contact the shipper to see if a replacement can be sent. Unfortunately we are not willing to pay for USPS's incompetence nor should we be expected to. So as previously stated a claim will need to be submitted by the recipient on the USPS website. This is to get written verification from USPS that the package is in fact lost. Too many times in the past have packages been "lost" only to show up days later. Once it is verified by USPS that the package is lost and unrecoverable the next step depends on if you purchased shipping insurance through or not.

If shipping insurance was NOT purchased through all packages shipped via USPS automatically include up to $100 worth of insurance paid directly by USPS. This is the same for GROUND as well as PRIORITY. USPS will have to reimburse the value of your order up to $100 maximum. This transaction is handled entirely through USPS. 

If shipping insurance WAS purchased through and that shipping insurance transaction is shown on the same invoice as the lost product(s) we will cover the insurance up to the amount of your order or the amount of insurance you purchased whichever amount is the lesser amount. EXAMPLE: If your order total was $1000.00 and you only purchased $200.00 worth of insurance then we will only cover the lesser amount which is the $200.00 you purchased insurance for. For this reason it is very important to purchase the correct amount of shipping insurance that will cover your whole order. Before any funds are paid we need a copy of the USPS claim you filed stating USPS lost the package. Please email it to

This whole process takes time. Unfortunately it's nothing that happens over night. Previously in the past we would send replacement immediately. Unfortunately for us either the original package was delivered to the recipient and they kept both or some bad apples were less than honest with us only to get more free product. Because of USPS's incompetence and humanities dishonesty the above procedure needed to be implemented. We are very sorry for the inconveience. As stated all over the website


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