Coolfire Trainer Rapid Fill Adapter Laser - Adjustable Red Visible
The Rapid-Fill Adapter Laser provides an additional 40+ trigger pulls with each CO2 charge.
- Is very compact and compatible with many open-bottom holsters.
- Screws onto the end of the CoolFire Trainer barrel.
- Compatible with electronic targets that beep/flash when hit, such as the LaserPET II and i-MTTS Targets.
- Compatible with many camera-based simulators.
- Infrared: Smokeless Range by Laser Ammo, Ti Training simulators, and LASR App by LASRX.
- Visible Red: Laser Academy by Mantis
- Available in Visible Red, Infrared, and No Laser.
- The Visible Red comes with a complimentary 3-Pack of Reflective Targets.
*For best results with the Rapid-Fill Adapter Laser, we recommend using either our Paintball or Soda Maker products. We do not recommend using the Rapid-Fill Adapter Laser with our 90 Gram products.
Coolfire Trainer Rapid Fill Adapter Laser - Adjustable Red Visible
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